The City of Baytown is working to improve the identity, vitality and investment climate of its downtown by crafting this Arts District Blueprint.

New public and private investment must be guided by a unified and consensus-based vision that excites people to the opportunities present in Downtown Arts District, as well as an actionable, scalable and time/goal-bound implementation program. The implementation program must provide a high level of tactical guidance in addition to cost estimates and timeframes for completion.

The Arts District Blueprint should yield:

  • A unified vision for downtown
  • Establish guiding principles to inform future policy decisions and public expenditure
  • Better define the district’s geographic boundaries and influence
  • Involve a rigorous and far-reaching public participation program designed for maximum public engagement
  • Model and render conceptual urban design treatments for key redevelopment sites
  • Prioritize pedestrian/neighborhood connectivity, access and activation
  • Provide recommendations to help enliven and activate public spaces
  • Review the City’s incentives applicable to the district and suggest possible changes/additions
  • Analyze the district’s infrastructure capacity including parking, high-speed internet and water/sewer/waste-water service
  • Provide a detailed, time/date-based implementation plan and schedule that identifies short, medium and long-terms goals, and identifies involved/responsible parties, funding sources and progress milestones

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Emilio Levario

Senior Planner/Economic Development Analyst

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