Open Opportunities

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Learn more about all City of Baytown ongoing programs and projects based on your interest.

Tell us about your volunteer impact!

Whether you volunteered locally, virtually, or across the globe - tell us your story! Your story will inspire others to give back. Don't have a story yet? Give us ideas on how we can serve. All participants will be entered to win a prize! (max 140 characters).

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1 July, 2024

Tony Brooks says:

I help the homeless with small amounts of money, which could provide them with a meal for that moment & I pour GOD into there spirit to help

24 April, 2024

Rosa Grijalba says:

Teaching varieties of languages For free, or practicing some sports. People sometimes have time but not money to pay.

9 April, 2024


Basically, I have choose Good over evil & I AM willing to help do my part to make Baytown, Tx. A GREAT place to live & raise OUR FAMILIES.

RECAP: Month of Service

See how our 2024 Month of Service went!