Make sure to fill out the Neighborhood Survey at the bottom of the page!

The current Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP) neighborhood is "Pelly" located in the boundaries on the map.

WHAT is the Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP): The NIP is a multi-departmental effort designed to combine resources in order to improve one neighborhood at a time.

WHO pays for this program: The City of Baytown (COB) applies annually for a Community Development Block Grant that is funded by the federal government. As part of the collaboration efforts, city departments use some general fund dollars towards the NIP program as well.

WHY is it important: This program is important because it identifies needs or concerns within a neighborhood and allows the city to focus the limited resources in one place in order to make a larger impact. One of the goals of the NIP is to improve the overall quality of life for the neighborhood.

ISSUES to be Identified/Addressed include:

  • Damaged Buildings
  • Crime
  • Broken Sidewalks
  • Crumbling Streets
  • High weeds/grass
  • Falling Fences
  • Garbage/Junk (neighborhood clean-up)
  • Decayed Sewer Lines
  • Bus shelters
  • Graffiti

Old Pelly Neighborhood Survey


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Sharon Rose

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